Slow FoodHunter Valley
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Maitland Taste Festival 20-22 May

See us at the Maitland Taste Festival this year in The Pumpkin Precinct.

Produce Available

Slow Food Hunter Valley Pumpkin Precinct

We will be operating a produce market on both days with wonderful produce from our our Earth Market producers – so fresh that it will just jump out of the baskets.

Grab Some Street Food

We are selling food on both days, with a warm pumpkin and Jerusalem artichoke soup available both days and some delicious Indonesian street food available on Saturday afternoon and evening. 

Children’s Cooking and Gardening Workshops

We are running some free children’s cooking and gardening workshops at The Pumpkin Precinct . (Click on the link to make a booking). You can find us at the Bulwer Street end of the Levee.

Help Farmers in Ukraine

Funds raised will go to support the Slow Food International Appeal for Farmers in Ukraine. The funds will be entirely allocated to the Slow Food Communities in Ukraine, according to the indications provided to us by the coordinators of the Slow Food Network.

Volunteers Required

We still need a few volunteers for this lovely event, to help with bump in, to man the produce stall, help with the children’s cooking (handmade pasta with cheesy cauliflower crumble) and gardening workshops (making seed tape) and help with the food stall on Saturday and Sunday.